Archive of ‘Critical Thinking’ category

Remembrance Day a Holiday?

remembrance day

In Canada, Remembrance Day is a federal holiday – except for in Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Quebec and Ontario.

The discussion on if Remembrance Day should be a  holiday in Ontario has resurfaced once again.  Provinces such as Nova Scotia have a day off school for all students on Remembrance Day.

Are there benefits to being at school on this day, to reflect to question?Or, should this be a day as in 8 other provinces  where students can reflect at home or go to a war memorial with family or friends or whatever they feel is right for them.

Write a paragraph outlining your opinion if Ontario should make Remembrance Day be a holiday for all students.
Why do you think this?

Express your opinion using your own experiences with Remembrance Day and the video/article to help support your point of view.

We are all interested to hear about your opinion and read your ideas.

News Article:–ontario-conservative-wants-remembrance-day-declared-statutory-holiday



Why is Music Important?

Music Monday was a program that was intended to create awareness of the need to include music in Canadian schools.

On this day, we would all like to hear why you like music and when and where do you listen to it most at home or at school. Are you a lover of all types of music, cultural music, music without words and do you engage with music by creating your own? See…if any of these were important to you, then there is value of music in school. D0 you enjoy music in school? Are there things you wish you could do in music class but are not able to? Is music present in other areas of your school day and not just in “music class”. Please tell us, we would love to hear about your musical experiences.
Why is Music in Schools Important?

Very Interesting Video