Archive of ‘Topics of Interest’ category

Music Monday

Music Monday was a program that was intended to create awareness of the need to include music in Canadian schools.

On this day, we would all like to hear why you like music and when and where do you listen to it most at home or at school.  Are you a lover of all types of music, cultural music, music without words and do you engage with music by creating your own.

See…if any of these were important to you, then there is value of music in school.  D0 you enjoy music in school?  Are there things you wish you could do in music class but are not able to?  Is music present in other areas of your school day and not just in “music class”. Please tell us, we would love to hear about  your musical experiences.

Music Monday video:

Are you a Loyal Royal?

william and kateTomorrow,  we will be surrounded with people talking about the Royal Wedding. Watch the clip on the history of the royal family weddings.

Then, we would like to hear your opinion on if we as Canadians should care about the monarchy or royalty anymore? Is it a tradition that doesn”t work anymore as there are more important issues to deal with around the globe?
should we watch and enjoy a special world event? Is this just a good story that deserves attention? Are you excited about all the hype around it? Will you be up at 5am to watch?
Please tell your opinion one way or the other.

Interesting links:

Why democracy?

Please write and tell us  that “If you were Prime Minister electionsof Kindree, what you change or what you put into our school”?  Or, if you would rather write about that “if you were Prime Minister of Canada, what would you change about our country and what would keep the same”?

We look forward to your ideas

Your Skating Adventure Diary

skatingDear Diary,

Write a diary entry talking about your skating experience.  Even if you are someone who has been skating for a while, I am sure you even enjoyed helping out your classmates or even just having a good skate during a school day.  For the newcomers to ice skating, you all should be very proud of what you have done here….and how far you have come .  Personally, I had a such a good time with all of you, it was a great chance for me to see you and learn about you in a different setting. 

Reflect on your good times, or bad.  What did you learn? What experiences did you share with your classmates?  Who helped you along the way?  We look forward reading about what you have to say in your diary entry.

Inspiration Survey

We all have special people in our lives that leave a lasting impression.  So, tonights assignment, which is due Wednesday, is all about that…the lasting impression.  We are going to find out from one of your parents.  Ask a parent, grand parent, or older sibling who as impacted on them and how.  For example, was it your dad’s coach?  Did the lasting  impact to your parent come from a special teacher or maybe a boss?  What made this person special to him or her? 

So you are going to need to ask, listen and write about what they told you.  I hope you learn more about your parent and the person who touched their lives in a impactful way.

Happy investigating.

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