Archive of ‘Topics of Interest’ category

Reading Media

What message is this saying to you as you a critical reader?—what is the ad “really” saying without saying it.
Why can you understand this ad and somebody else might have a hard time making a connection to this story or what is going in this commercial?
What traditions or stereotypes are in play here?

Please place your answers into a paragraph instead of just a list of answers. Remember to think critically…ask your parents to give you a hand if you are having trouble interpreting this media text.

Spring is…

Tomorrow is World Poetry Day:   

 Due on Thursday
Spring is… Write a poem, short skit, or paragraph describing all things spring. With Mother’s Day just passing and the warm weather slowly making it’s way to us, we are starting to have Spring on our minds. Ahhhhh…..the season of spring. Spring is putting away winter clothes away for another year. Spring is having the sun come out early in the morning and stay up longer at night.  Spring is running and playing outside without jackets.  Spring is starting each day with a smile on our faces.  Spring reminds me of the tulip festival in Ottawa.  Spring is a time for us to clean our rooms and watch Kindree’s grass turn green. Spring is golfing. Spring is enjoying recess once again. Spring is here and well worth the wait.  What is spring to you?

Reptile Zoo Review

Crocodilies and Snakes Unite,indian river
Please write a review of today’s performance and demonstration of the reptile zoo. You all were very involved in asking questions and through your active participation.
Imagine you are asked by a reptile magazine to write a short review of the show. You might want to give a rating, some comments by people who watched the show or your own personal feelings. Explain in no more than 250 characters (each letter is a character) about the show. Remember to “grab” the readers attention.
Have a good night.
Looking forward to skating tomorrow.

The last two weeks, you’ve been all working hard, preparing and
delivering a speech.
Reflect on your experience, either if you have already presented
or if you wil be doing that shortly. Give 3 tips to other grade
4’s about what you have learned through this process.

March break…

Hello friends,
If you are travelling or enjoying the nice weather at home…
Share your march break experiences with us.
I have been relaxing and taking it easy at home….nothing
over the moon exciting but actually I am enjoying it.
So whatever you have been doing or wherever you are or have been, I hope you’ve enjoyed your time off.
See you Monday,

We’re in this together

Blog Comments
Come up with a new title for the video.
Comment on the video…what is the main idea of it?
What is your point of view on it?
Are there any aspects to this video that bother you, that you would change because of stereotypes?
Any other general comments?

Does “School Need to Change?”


Watch this video.
What is the main idea this video Education 2.0?

Do you agree with change or is school fine the way it is. Think about it for a moment.
100 years ago, there were one room school houses where 10 kids ranging from grade 1-8 were in one class….now there are classes that are taught virtually over the internet using web-cams.

Does our traditional view of  schools need to change and if so, how?

What are aspects of school that you like that you wouldnt like to see change?

World Spelling Day

The Spelling Debate:

We live in a world where texting, tweeting and instant messenging or writing messages on a DS is a part of who you are as learners. Is spelling no longer important in 2011? If you think this way then you probably believe that spell check, invented spelling and other ways of communicating are more important than spelling a word exactly or the way the dictionary says .  OR…. If you think that spelling tests, the dictionary and correct spelling is as important to you today as it was 100 years ago then you believe that spelling correct spelling is very important. 

Please explain why you think this…back up your answer and “check for errors..ooops…did I say that?”

Here are two articles that may help you:


C U L8er

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