Summer Reads, Games and whats up with you

Hey Kindree alumni,

Hope your summer is going well.  Although only officially day five of your break, I hope you are enjoying whatever you are up to.  It sure was an amazing year.

Please write throughout the summer on our blog.

1.What books are you reading?

2.What games have you been playing?

3.What’s been going on with you…entertain us, as we would love to hear about you.

Can’t wait to hear from you,


3 Comments on Summer Reads, Games and whats up with you

  1. Sarah P. (:
    July 6, 2010 at 7:13 pm (14 years ago)

    Hey Mr. Woods! I had a great time in Italy! I saw so many cool different things and the food was amazing! Sorry, I did not have a chance to complete the math sheet that you gave me on the last day of school for me before I went to Italy because first we had a fire drill and then we went strait to D.P.A. In Italy there were cats running around every where! When we went to Rome we talked to so many different people from around the world who came to Rome. We met people from Chicago, Australia, India, Pennsylvania, and many more. I can`t wait to get my report card!

  2. Crissy
    July 9, 2010 at 1:00 pm (14 years ago)

    Hi Mr.Woods!
    Played two football games on PlayStation and read a lot.Just chilling out for now. Lazy days…. *sigh of satisfation*

  3. Katie M
    July 26, 2010 at 2:39 pm (14 years ago)

    Hey Mr.Woods and other people who still go on this blog!I am having so much fun being off school but trust me don’t get too comfertable your going to be back in that horrible place alot of kids call school!Joking!

    Hope to see all of you later on in Middle school!Later! 😉


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