To Test or Not To Test?

Today, we explored and investigated positive and negative testing experiences,whether on the soccer field, in a gym class or just at home. There was so many varied experiences from the whole class.

Here’s your chance to complain or say great things about “tests”.

Should teachers test students, why or why not?  In your own experiences, have you ever been stressed, worried or nervous before a test and forgotten what you studied.  Or, do you look forward to being tested and challenged for what you studied.  What kinds of tests do you like or dislike.  Where else are people tested outside of school….and how are they tested.

These are just a couple of questions to start your thinking.

We look forward to your “well thought out” paragraph responses.

15 Comments on To Test or Not To Test?

  1. Tyler
    October 4, 2010 at 4:24 pm (14 years ago)

    Tests are a good thing. I think teachers should test students because how else are teachers going to know if you’re learning or not? I have been stressed about a test because it was going to be a big test but I did not forget what I had learned. In my karate class I have been excited for a test because if I succeed I would get a new colour of belt. I like the kinds of tests where they give you multiple choices and the tests where you get to make a project. Outside of school I get tested in karate and swimming by showing the instructor what I have learned. Overall, I think tests are important and I like them because I am always prepared for them.

  2. vanessa
    October 4, 2010 at 4:45 pm (14 years ago)

    1.yes teachers should test the kids because it see’s your Knowlage and if u r good at that subject.but you should not do it 2 often or the kids will get mad:(

    2.yes i get nervous some times and it is reslly stress- full but it’s not just me everyone get nervous sometimes even teachers.

    3.I pretty much hate all test because it just makes me stressed out I can’t consentrate and I can’t relax it just to nerve racking, like a brach hittig a window at night!!!!!!

    4.outside of school some test are medical test soccer test hockey ect. even online test. but they are all tested on the same thing weather you are good or not.

  3. Tanya
    October 4, 2010 at 6:09 pm (14 years ago)

    Tests or No Tests
    I think children should not get tests because it’s just not fair there just children/adults with all that pressure on them really hurts!
    We all had tests and they were hard a quiz is a lot like a test but they don’t have that much pressure/stress on the children/adults.
    But if you’re taking a test like a driver’s test then obviously everyone would want you take the test because if you don’t take the test it’s just not safe!!
    You could crash and get badly hurt that is why I think that test is VERY important.
    Some tests are important so that is why I am kind of stuck in the middle!
    One of the hardest tests I took was one in Kumon it was division I am SUCK at division! 
    But luckily I passed that test FEWWW.  
    So that is why I think we should get tests and we should not get tests!!

  4. Raquel and Sofia
    October 4, 2010 at 6:29 pm (14 years ago)

    (Both) Tests aren’t the worst thing that you can ever do in your life but, they are also not the best. When a teacher gives us a test we are NOT happy but they are important for our marks. It can be stressful. It gives us presure when we’re not prepared. Sometimes we’re nervous when we don’t study. (Raquel) I once got a low mark on a PRACTICE test and I didn’t do so great so, on the real test, I was nervous. At the end of the test, it wasn’t so bad BECAUSE I studied so I wouldn’t get the bad mark I got on the practice. (Sofia) Everyone hates tests well almost everybody.Well I think we should have tests but the teacher put alot of pressure on us. We should take care of the test too by studying and working hard, and being prepared. I know because once I didn’t study on something on math about the net and then I got fustrated and then I got a bad marks. (Raquel) The test I like are easy ones with only a few questions and it has something to do with math. I like easy stuff like addition. I don’t like long test with lots of questions and whens it’s on science. (Sofia) The test I like is the gymnastic test because its fun and pretty much easy.The test I don’t like is tests that are long and hard and boring because they have no excitment in the test. (Both) drivers licence is an outside test that can be hard depending how much you study. Auditions it’s a test too that for some people can be easy or hard it depends how the person is, how much they know, etc…
    There’s a lot kinds of tests for so many different reasons but the results from it doesn’t mean all the time what the person knows or don’t.Some people know a lot about a thing and when they’re tested they get nervous and they ended messing up….

  5. Ryan
    October 4, 2010 at 7:05 pm (14 years ago)

    Teachers should test students because the teacher finds out the students ability and what they can do. Teachers need the tests to find out what the students final mark was. I get nervous when I have to do a test because everything clears out of my mind and I get stressed. I have been tested in gymnastics, piano, home, karate, swimming and soccer. The sports are tested by how you are good at something or how you play the game. I dislike some science test and I love math test and language.

  6. Brandon
    October 4, 2010 at 7:47 pm (14 years ago)

    My opinion on being tested is it’s bad. Here are a few examples why school testing can be bad; it can be very stressful because if you don’t know very much about the subject, for example if somebody didn’t know about math than that person might get stressed out. Testing is also bad because it’s usually boring, because school tests aren’t fun. Finally testing is pointless for some people because they could become famous sports players and if you’re a sports player how do you use school tests.
    The tests I do outside of school are scouting badge work and tests for snowboarding lessons.

  7. Matthew
    October 4, 2010 at 7:52 pm (14 years ago)

    I think that teachers should test students because it is importent for them to find out if they are understanding the work or if they need extra help.My experience was taking a test for my boaters licence.I know alot about boats but I did not pass the test because I did’nt understand some of the questions. I only needed two more marks to get my boaters licence.Next time I am going to read the questions carfully before writing my answer.

    I like mutiple choice tests because they are easier to understand.They also help me to remember the infomation I studied.

    Kids are tested at home everyday.When they are playing vidio games they have to rememder codes.You are also tested when you play sports like hockey because you have to remember the rules of the game.

  8. anuj
    October 4, 2010 at 8:05 pm (14 years ago)

    Teachers should test you to make sure you understand your stuff. I have been stressed during a guitar test because i was in a very compact room and I messed up on my chord studies and lost marks . Mostly i like tests that include some study info . you can be tested in extra curricular activetes .

  9. Tushar Nair
    October 4, 2010 at 8:31 pm (14 years ago)

    I REALLY dont like tests because it puts so much pressure on you and sometimes you learn everything but you are so nervous that you forget. Also if you have a mean teacher it puts all lot pressure on you but if you have a nice teacher it doesn’t put a lot of pressure on you and you do better.

    I have tested outside of school in my swimming class. I failed on my first try at level 3 and now I am doing it again. I like it sometimes because it gave me a chance to get better at it. There are some types of tests that I actually like. Like gym, music, karate (here you get a new belt), swimming and reading. I like tests where in activities that I am good at.

    By Tushar

  10. Becca
    October 4, 2010 at 9:10 pm (14 years ago)

    I don’t like being tested, but it is also a good thing to be tested to see what and how much you remember about a subject or class. Being tested also shows if you are paying attention in class. my dad is also learning a lot of new stuff on the buses he works on and after every class he says he to is being tested. Tests are good but I don’t like the pressure.

  11. Ahkash
    October 4, 2010 at 10:16 pm (14 years ago)

    (1) I say test are good but only if you are tested often not once a month, we should be tested about three times a month or less, but I don’t mean EQAO or C-CAT, I mean small multiplacation or divison tests

    (2)When I was a little kid I was really stressed and worried before exams and I am not talking about a school exam, I am talking about a miruthangam exam and miruthangam is a type of drum and I started when I was 5 and ever year there is an theory exam and practical exam
    so I was stressed because I don’t now if the teacher is mean and point out any little mistake and I am worried that if I fail my theory exam, my teacher might get mad because he is the director of the miruthangam school and I am his nephew, so I have to make it up to him

    (3)People are tested all over the world from exams to fighting, what I mean is some people are tested in school others are challenged in fighting arena’s

    (4)I would like to be tested because at the end I know how well I did and what I should improve on

  12. Jacob No
    October 5, 2010 at 8:11 pm (14 years ago)

    Teachers should give tests because if they don’t give test the students won’t learn all the learning they need. Students should be tested even if you get nervous, then forget all the stuff that you studied, and you start freaking out when you see the question you should remember. Just take a deep breath and try your best. I have been stressed 3 times in grade 4, and 1 time in grade 5 but to be honest I sometimes want to be tested and challenged.
    Some schools have quiet rooms for testing. That is a paper test. Other test are projects and presentations. They can also be crosswords and fill in the blanks. My favourite is the presentations.

  13. Adi
    October 5, 2010 at 8:59 pm (14 years ago)

    I am strongly in favor of having tests because that`s the only way the teacher can have a better understanding of the student`s ability. Tests help teachers realize if the student is understanding the subject or just not paying attention. It also helps the teachers find out if the student already knows the unit. The first reason, there should be tests is because without tests we wouldn`t get grades and therefore we wouldn`t have marks on our report cards. Without report cards our parents wouldn`t know our progress in school. The second reason is that, with tests the teacher can know the student`s strengths and weaknesses in subjects. If a student has low marks in certain subjects, the teacher can help him/her improve the understanding of the subject. Some students study just because of tests, without tests some students would stop studying at home. Imagine athletes going to Olympics and just getting medals without competition/ test. There would be no fun in participating or watching.

    Most of the times when I`m being tested, I am confident when I`m fully prepared. But sometimes if I`m not fully prepared, I do get a little nervous. Besides that, I like to challenge myself with different puzzles, quizzes and tests.

    My favourite kinds of tests are multiple choice and posters. I like multiple choice because they don`t take a long to time to do and I like posters because you can add creativity into it and make it all colorful.
    Life is full of tests. People are tested every day and everywhere, formally and informally. There are many different situations people can be tested in such as doing your homework, driving a car, having a chat with a friend or painting, etc.

  14. maya
    October 5, 2010 at 10:23 pm (14 years ago)

    I think students should be tested in school but the tests shouldn’t count or be worth a certain percentage of an overall mark. This way, Students won’t feel nervous before a test or forget anything. I think teachers should be able to have an idea of what students know and what some students need to work on. Students will also have a benefit from this. Students will have a chance to see what they are capable of doing. Another thing is that kids like to see what they got on a test and how they did. With this, students won’t worry before the test, they won’t have a need to worry about there test results and the best thing about this system is that if a student gets a grade that they don’t like, they won’t have to worry about it, if this will not reflect on there report card. Students should not have all there studying and work only to get ready for a test and have only one shot at a good grade. Even though tests are only worth a small percentage they do make a mental impact on the teacher and that may affect their mark. In summary, students should get tested but the marks should not count.

  15. jr mohan
    October 13, 2010 at 7:31 pm (14 years ago)

    for me tests are good because you are geting tested on knowladge and you are also given a grade. tests are also good for seeing how much you inprove in your studys. but in some other ways tests are also bad. its a way of judging to students and it is veary streasful. you can foucase on to study on the test you might forget the things that you are told. these are reasons that teasting can be good and bad

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