What is Art?

What is art?

A hard question to answer isn’t it. The truth is, art means different things to different people.  For some, an woven rug is considered beautiful art,  or a poem written by a person you’ve never met, or a cd jacket cover or even the way you dress each day.  Depending on our cultural and life experiences, art means different things to all of us. 

There are many definitions that artists have come up with, but there isn’t a single one that all can agree on.

So here’s your chance.  Think.

Write a paragraph on what art means to you or how does it or may have influenced your lifestyle.

16 Comments on What is Art?

  1. Darren
    February 17, 2009 at 5:09 pm (15 years ago)

    To me art is a lot of difrent things. It can be music.Or it can be a picture. For me depending on my mood art can be anything. I like to look at other peaples art and create my own.

  2. ali
    February 17, 2009 at 5:33 pm (15 years ago)

    What is art?Well.art to me is when someone makes a line or a dot, and may put it together to make a picture which is sometimes beautiful, or very awkward. Art to me is when something has a meaning behind it, and is interpreted in many different ways. Art to me is when something has a million different reasons of why it has been made, and can be a visual picture instantly.Art to me is when love and compassion has gone into making something. That is what art means to me.

  3. amber
    February 17, 2009 at 5:44 pm (15 years ago)

    Hi everyone.This is my writing about what art is to me.
    Art to me is music,music is a beautiful piece of art.Art,art is a visual picture of words.Example you can be nervous to say something in words but you know it might be easier to say what you want to say in pictures.Art isn’t always pictures it can be poems,music,stories and it might even be a special blanket that was passed down from person to person in your family.Well that is all i have to say Bye.

  4. amira
    February 17, 2009 at 5:45 pm (15 years ago)

    Here i sit all alone on this shore,then i see a the waves rise up and the soothing sound of the beach comes to me,relaxingly i hear a tune of a beautiful melody.i see a paint brush i see a flower. art is here art is not a flower tere art is every were.it makes me happy it some times makes me sad. but art is every were and not a flower to tear!☺☻☺☻☺☻☺:0 :);) this is my opinion of art hope you enjoyed this poem !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Cameron McCabe
    February 17, 2009 at 5:53 pm (15 years ago)

    Art is my dream because I always wanted to be an artist. Maybe I could sell my pantings to a musium for millions. It is so fun in school, panting our selves… YA. Oh ya, see you next time when I tell you about my favourite artist.

  6. Tara Tomlinson
    February 17, 2009 at 6:04 pm (15 years ago)

    Art is everything, for example: a tree is art, water is art and many more. Art is not just drawing, painting, or abstract it is living things, material and lots more. Art is you and me; we were made by something just like paint, paper or material. We use art every day like drawing a picture or planting a seed so it can grow into a tree. Art is like life; sometimes your picture is happy, sad, mad or just plain normal. I’m planning to be an artist when I grow up but drawing is not the only art to me.

  7. Niraj
    February 17, 2009 at 6:37 pm (15 years ago)

    Art to me. Thats a very hard qustion to answer. For me art can be many thing such as music,painting even trick you can do in a sport. Art is a masterpiece that takes time to form or be made. Art can be big or small,old or new but is somthing important to someone. For example, like how David Beckam (soccer player) has made his free kick to bend over the heads of the human wall. He must have practiced alot. It is a special move to him because he practiced all the time to make the ball curve. I make a small hot mat for my relitives each Christmas.They love it and say it is a real ART. So this is what art is to me, a masterpiece that takes time to form.

  8. Niraj
    February 17, 2009 at 6:38 pm (15 years ago)

    Art to me. Thats a very hard qustion to answer. For me art can be many thing such as music,painting even trick you can do in a sport. Art is a masterpiece that takes time to form or be made. Art can be big or small,old or new but is somthing important to someone. For example, like how David Beckam (soccer player) has made his free kick to bend over the heads of the human wall. He must have practiced alot. It is a special move to him because he practiced all the time to make the ball curve. I make a small hotmats for my relitives each Christmas.They love it and say it is a real ART. So this is what art is to me, a masterpiece that takes time to form.

  9. Niharika :)
    February 17, 2009 at 6:57 pm (15 years ago)

    In my mind art is EVERYWHERE,
    I think that art is everywhere because, everything we see is colour. And art tom me is very special because, art makes me happy. When i am bored I start drawing and i colour it in and it makes me cheerful and it makes me feel like i want to do more. Colours are on clothes, electronics, furniture, etc. Art is something that also shows emotions here is a example: When someone is mad people usually use the colour red. Also colours show lots of things like red is also used for stop signs, and green is used for GO. Art has lots of meanings, art uses shapes, sizes, width, length, etc. I hope you learned what art means to me.

  10. Shady
    February 17, 2009 at 7:06 pm (15 years ago)

    Art gives us a way to be creative and inspiring, it is a large part of our lives,

    For example the Mona Lisa painting is a pleasure to our eyes. On the other side art is a part of our everyday lives, the desk or table that we use someone designed that. It is art. My Hot chocolate cup is art, Art is something we could use and it is also a pleasure to our eyes and minds.
    Art shows us many different cultures, for example when you see a picture of
    Pizza it is Italian when u see a picture of pyramids it is Egyptian

  11. Nikita
    February 17, 2009 at 7:47 pm (15 years ago)

    ART= Color, shape, line, design, tracing, creativity, imaginations, abstract art, sceneries, cartoons, anyone can do it.
    This is what I think art is.
    Definition= use of color, shape, line, creativity& imagination.
    Art is a important in my life because: Art is everywhere, it cheers me up, when I am board it’s there for me, I do it all the time.
    This is nikita going out and my report is in. 😀 😀

  12. Maddie
    February 17, 2009 at 8:00 pm (15 years ago)

    To me, art is a way of expressing yourself. It can also be a form of entertainment. Music is a form of art that I enjoy every day. Sometimes it picks me up when I’m down, sometimes it relaxes me and sometimes it’s just fun to listen to.

  13. mohamad
    February 17, 2009 at 8:16 pm (15 years ago)

    People are thinking what is art could it be lines or 3Dlines. Still lines don’t mean that it is art is from your thinking it is a picture that is traped in your head so give it a push and take it out and share it. Art can be even from your heart. see art can be many things so why don’t you go and find a pencle and draw a picture. this might sound funny but art can be for homework too you know so go DRAW!!!!. Thank You =)

  14. Vanessa
    February 18, 2009 at 3:51 pm (15 years ago)

    Hey it’s me Vanessa. Art, I love art, why well there are so many different ways of it like, music, pictures, words, animals, food, people,and love. It can be anything. Everyone has there own way to make art like Ayesha and Aqsa they both make these cool and hard, to draw, drawings. And Tara she is awesome at it like I would never be able to do that. To me art is a way to make it your own like kaws, he made it his own and to every one would have to say about his art work. It’s somthing that you can just make it your own i love that. Bye V out

  15. Sameer
    February 20, 2009 at 4:19 pm (15 years ago)

    Art… Art is life like colors my reasons for me are my true colors are blue and green are happy, red is anger, and many more to show how you feel. Its your imagination and life combined to make your own life by a little pencil. Art is also people too if you reverse it saying your friends are crimson friends some friends are loyal family is green for me. Art is also dreams. Dreams that maybe to other impossible but if you put it in your little life it is art beauty and your dream. Art is colorful because if our vision we could just see black and white like dogs than you would not have a taste of beauty in the world. Art is pictures colors and more its reality, imagination and the combination of both. THATS ART!

  16. Ayesha
    February 22, 2009 at 2:32 pm (15 years ago)

    Art isn’t just a drawing. Art is all about your imagination and thinking which can be expressed in the form of words, drawings, painting, nature’s surrounding, people and lots of other things. Art is music, books, poetry, nature itself and well, just about anything! Art can be a line, a splatter of paint, the forms and patterns on leaves and flowers or a squiggle. Art is culture expressed through emotion from an individuals’ passion. Art is creativity to create something compelling and beautiful, from nothing but your mind or for some people it is not creating but acknowledging the work of nature. It is also about emotions, people can express their feelings about any type of art in any way that they want. Every type of art is mystical, original, and unique in its own way. Art is almost everything you can think of. Everybody has their own way of viewing art!

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