The Fun Theory

thefuntheoryhomework– instructions

All this week, we focussed on “embracing and understanding difference”.Β  Even when something is new or strange or even outside our “normal”Β  daily routine, it deserves or respect and attention. I think this video sums up our week in terms of changing our thinking on things that happen to us each and every day.Β  When we change the way we do and look at things, new perspectives make us better learners but more importantly…better people.

What’s the message behind this video as related to difference and change? What kind of impact did this “black and white” change make on these people?
extra question: Why would this car company want to present their product this way?

Math question: Please Complete in math book and not on our blogsite. How would you multiply 5×39 when the “3” key was broken on your calculator. How many different ways can you think of to solve this problem?

19 Comments on The Fun Theory

  1. tanyaanand
    January 13, 2011 at 5:52 pm (13 years ago)

    The message of this video was the change that happened to the stairs made everyone want to go one the stairs. The diffrence was that the stairs were NEW and they made NOISE!! Also going up stairs is exercise. Maybe everyone wants to go up the stairs because it is exercise.

    The black and white change made a BIG imapct on the people. I think it made a big imapact because maybe people thought it was NEW so it would be cooler! πŸ˜› But when people found out they were musical everyone wanted to go on that. There was a big rush just on the stairs instead of the escilators.

    Well a car company would want to present there product this way because it is fun and exicting thing. If I saw there product like this I would want that car really badly!!!!!!

    By: Tanya Anand πŸ˜› πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

  2. Tyler
    January 13, 2011 at 6:18 pm (13 years ago)

    The message behind this video is that doing things that usually are not fun, CAN be fun if you try to make them fun. In the video it says “can we get more people to choose the stairs by making it fun to do?”. Then lots and lots of people chose the stairs over the escalator. The kind of impact that this “Black and White” change made on these people is that “66% more people than normal chose the stairs over the escalator” (like it said in the video), and they enjoyed it. The Volkswagen car company would want to present their product this way because near the end of the video it said “We call it the fun theory”. So, maybe the car company wants to advertise their car with fun so people would think that that the cars they make are fun to drive.

  3. Ahkash
    January 13, 2011 at 7:10 pm (13 years ago)

    The message behind this vdeo is be different, like I know there saying whoever decides to keep a stair way the same ..kept it the same…and I was one of them because I didn’t do it, because I couldn’t, but these people could and they did it, you see that life is about changig, dosen’t matter good or bad,big or small and you shouldn’t stop..unless it’s bad like my plain if I didn’t drop it, i don’t thinck I would have built smothing stronger, smaller and looked cool

    p.s: byeye

  4. Jacob No
    January 13, 2011 at 8:34 pm (13 years ago)

    The video showed how some people think different and fun ways to change original things. To make more people take the stairs and not the escalator, they made the stairs into a piano keyboard. By walking on the keyboard the people were having fun making music instead of thinking about walking and exercising. It’s cool how different people have different perspectives on different stuff. I could think of lots and lots of things I would change to into more fun thing than it already is. For example, to make more people recycle you can make it into a sport like basketball and put a net over the recycling bin and have a cheering sound when you get it in. Now that is fun.

    Peace out πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    By: Jacob

  5. raquelmedeiros
    January 15, 2011 at 12:53 pm (13 years ago)

    That was a cool video!
    Taking away the fact that the stairs were AWESOME, the message towards the video was that change can make a difference.
    Everyone wanted to take the escalators because going up the stairs was too tiring. Now that they made a small change to the stairs, almost NOBODY goes on the escalators. The stairs made a HUGE impact on the people because not only are they going up the stairs but, they even go back down to hear some more of the music they can make. Since the stairs actually sounded like the real notes, the people would try to make songs on it and make the best of just going up and down the stairs. People like me would never go up the stairs unless they have to but, this way makes everything so different, more exciting and a lot of FUN!!!
    Why this car company used this way to present their product? To me was for people to see that you should try new things, different things and by trying you’ll like them, you’ll have fun. So behind the stairs is a volkswagen car, they want you to see that buying/driving their cars will make a DIFFERENCE in your life! It will be more than just a car, it will be more than just driving it will be a CHANGE for BETTER!

    Raquel πŸ˜€

  6. Maya
    January 15, 2011 at 5:49 pm (13 years ago)

    the message is that change and difference can be better. when they walked up the stairs they were atracted to the sound that was coming from the stairs beacause it was different in a better way.

    this made more people go up the stairs because it made a sound which normal stair don’t. since it was different it made a difference.

    the car compony made this there comercal because they new that people would be atracted to the comercal and then at the end all the veiwers would see there compony’s logo. also they showed that difference can be better so next time you see there car and it’s different than others, you will think twice about thinking it’s bad.


  7. Tushar
    January 15, 2011 at 6:01 pm (13 years ago)

    The message behind the video was that if you try to make things you don’t like doing fun, and then you might enjoy doing it. In the video the engineers decided to turn the stairs (which no one was using) into a huge life size piano with black and white keys to encourage people to use the stairs rather than the escalator. The people in the video immediately tried walking up the stairs and they found out whenever the stepped on a key it made a sound. That started to make everyone walk up the stairs and they really enjoyed making different notes. So I guess if people try making something they hate doing fun then they would do it even more. Volkswagen would want to present their product that way so everyone would try it and probably like it (since 66% people liked it more the escalator) so more people would know about their company so more people would buy their cars.

  8. imranalli
    January 16, 2011 at 11:57 am (13 years ago)

    The Fun Theory
    The message is that diffrence is good because know one used the stairs and every one used the escalators but after the people found out that the stairs make sound every one used them. The impact is that every one used the stairs and no one used escalators just because the stairs are diffrent. They presented it this way because they wanted to show that diffrence is good.

  9. Alia
    January 16, 2011 at 12:27 pm (13 years ago)

    The “black and white” made a big difference, people usually take a machine to go upstairs,but if the stairs were fun to take people would probaly go up the stairs more often like if the stairs felt or sounded different it would just be different and not the same and it would be really fun! In this case the stairs were like a piano and thats fun. If my stairs were a piano I would walk on them all day long it’s a different idea which equals to a better idea! Change is great something that is unique is awesome…… the message of this is kind of just to have fun whenever u do something, try someything new and unique! u can get an exercise, but at the same time u can have fun walking up the stairs for once.

  10. imranalli
    January 16, 2011 at 1:27 pm (13 years ago)

    The message is that change is good especially if it can do more than one function like if you can exercise and also you can play music at the same time. kids and parents will love the experience of having musical stairs.

    The black and white change is that the are new so people think they are cool but when they found out they make sound the stairs got crowded and not the escalator esu

  11. Ryan
    January 16, 2011 at 1:35 pm (13 years ago)

    The messege behind that video was that people were being lazy and just never useing the stairs. So they decided to make stairs fun!! So they made the stairs into a big piano, and put a video camra above the stairs. The next day people came and saw the piano stairs and 66%of the people who went there went on the stairs. This wou;d have never have happend if they never made stairs fun!!!!! Now that we know that every body wants to use those piano stairs, we should make more of those piano stairs to encourage those people to use the stairs instead.

  12. imranalli
    January 16, 2011 at 1:36 pm (13 years ago)

    The message is that change is good expeasaly if it can do two diffrent functions exercise and make music at the same time. Kids and parents will love the experence of having musical stairs.

    The black and white change is that the stairs are new so people think they are cooler but when people found out that they make music the stairs got crouded and not the escalator.

    volkswagen wanted to to show that change is good so they did it this way.

  13. katherine
    January 16, 2011 at 5:29 pm (13 years ago)

    The difference and change the stairs made is that everybody was lazy and it wasn’t fun to take the stairs but as soon as they put the piano keys on the stairs all the people wanted to take the stairs. the company probably wanted to present their product this way because their saying that any other car is like taking the stairs or the escalator but….. driving a Volkswagen is like walking on the musical stairs ITS FUN!!!!!!!

  14. jr mohan
    January 16, 2011 at 6:17 pm (13 years ago)

    the main message of the video is thatanything can chang! it is pretty cool that they turned normal stairs to a large piano! imagine playing the song minuet on that! now that would be a chalange! i think it was wounderful that they made stairs more fun by making it into a piano because now people would never look at stairs inthe same way. i have a few question for the stairs. my first question is are these stares in canada? also how long did it take to make the staires? thats all i have so ahloha

    ps. ahloha also mean bye not only hello

  15. Vanessa
    January 16, 2011 at 6:17 pm (13 years ago)

    i LOVED that video it was awesome! i think the message behind this video is anything can be fun even the simplest things like walking up or down the stairs or maybe even making a sandwitch. it is also realated to difference and change because not everything has to be the same all the time sometimes change is good.we might not like it but to much of the same thing gets alittle boring. i think the change that they did made the people have just a bit more fun in there lives it might not make a big difference but when it is in alot of peoples lives it makes a BIG difference. i think the car compny did this to show that driving there car is FUN so they made that “FUN” video to advertise.

  16. Becca
    January 16, 2011 at 7:04 pm (13 years ago)

    I think that the main message of this video is that fun can change the way that people see things. For example everyone would want to drive a volkswagon that was different because of details just like the stairs had a different look people wanted to try it.Differences make people look at change in a good way.

  17. Adi
    January 16, 2011 at 10:00 pm (13 years ago)

    Difference is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing. It always affects people in different ways.
    The message behind this video is that if you use your creativity and make small changes, things that are boring can bring fun. In this video, lots of people chose the escalator over the stairs because they didn`t want to waste their energy. Plus, the stairs were boring and common. When Volkswagen reinvented the stairs to look like a piano, everybody wanted to try them because they were unusual, musical and fun full. After the reinvention of stairs, sixty six percent more people went on them. The car company introduced their product like this because they wanted to show their car differently. People would also think that driving their car would be an enjoyable moment because they had fun on the stairs and Volkswagen had made them too.
    There are lots of things around us that are usual and boring for us, like the stairs. But if you recreate or change them, they can be more fun even though they are the same thing.

  18. Tj landry
    January 17, 2011 at 9:06 pm (13 years ago)

    The main idea of the video is that if you can give something a lift it could become fun too. But like the stairs in the video everyone wants to be on the stairs because they gave it a lift now most people like the piano stairs because it’s fun to be on and they can make mini songs when there on it and you can do the scale easy. Notice in the beginning no one used the stairs they used the escalator but now they like the fun piano stairs and also no one used the excalator.

  19. maitri
    January 19, 2011 at 4:52 pm (13 years ago)

    The message behind this video was that small differences can make big changes.For example in the video, people used to use the escalatars but when they invented the music stairs,everyone went on that.If I were to choose to go on either piano stairs or escalaters,than I would choose piano stairs because they are way more fun!This is a very simple choise of going on something fun or going on something boring.An example is eating a full delicious apple or eating a eaten,rotten apple.(obviously it would be full apple)Just like that I chose piano stairs cause they are more fun.The car company showed this viseo to say that getting a different car can be unusial and cool.

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