Inferring the ecology

Post your inference paragraph about Marvin
Gayes “the ecology”.
See you tomorrow

11 Comments on Inferring the ecology

  1. Tyler
    May 5, 2011 at 6:33 pm (13 years ago)

    In the song, I think Marvin Gayes was trying to say that the world is too polluted and we should care more about the environment. I think this because in line seven it says “Oil wasted in the ocean.” If oil gets into the ocean then lots of sea creatures will die and lots more bad things will happen. Also in line ten it says “Radiation underground and in the sky.” Now if that happened lots of different animals that live underground would die. If radiation was in the sky, lots of birds flying in the sky would die. Another thing is in line four it says “Poison is the wind that blows.” That is a big problem because if the air has poison in it, and we breathe in that poison, it will get into our bodies. Also in line seven it says “fish full of mercury.” Since we as humans eat fish, some fish are filled with too much mercury and we are putting that inside of our bodies! Another thing is that in line fourteen it says “What about this overcrowded land”. If there is overcrowded land then that just leads to more pollution. Also in line eleven it says “Animals and birds who live nearby are dying.” That is the bad consequence of the other things I talked about. Those are my reasons for thinking that Marvin Gayes was trying to say that the world is too polluted.

  2. jr mohan
    May 5, 2011 at 7:30 pm (13 years ago)

    to me he was trying to say have mercy as in spare so please give mercy our lord wich is like we are sorry you know also he is talking about different things in nature that i really never thought of in that perspective you know like poisoning air and others.

  3. Sofia. Sultani
    May 5, 2011 at 7:34 pm (13 years ago)

    Mercy Mercy Me
    – Marvin Gaye
    I think what Marvin Gaye is trying to say that we have changed so much. We have polluted the air because, in the lyrics it says “Where Did All The Blue Skies Go?”. He Is Saying we have killed so many animals because, in the lyrics he says ” Oil Wasted On The Ocean And Upon Our Sea’s, Fish Full Of Mercury”. The lyrics says we have changed our ways a lot and we can’t keep it this way.

    I watched the video And It Says “…..How Much More Abuse From Man Can She Stand”
    -Marvin Gaye.

    Mr.Woods HEY are we going toi do something fro Mothers Day cause me and alia were surfing the internet and we couldn’t find anything so are we?

  4. Alia And Tanya
    May 5, 2011 at 7:45 pm (13 years ago)

    A song Writer is trying to get his lord to give mercy to the world. He is trying to tell his lord to help the land. He wants to make world peace. He would like to help our earth to become more eco-friendly. The polution is destroying habitats,enviroments that doesn’t belong to us. Its even destroying our health and animals all over the world!. This ais a very important song to the both of us because the lyrics are very meaningful, We Care About The Earth. We Feel Very Strongly About The Enviroment.

    Alia (L)(K)(L)(K)

  5. Maya
    May 5, 2011 at 8:12 pm (13 years ago)

    i think that Marvin Gaye way trying to tell us that we have maked a big mistake with taking the earths oil and that we are killing the earth. this is because in the song the states “poison in the wind”, “oil wasted on the ocean and upon our seas, fish full of mercury”. he is saying just some of the problems with our earth. then throughout the song he says “mercy” witch means give up. that means that he is giving up on fixing the earth because of the damage that we have done. we need to help fix the earth instead of killing it slowly.

  6. raquelmedeiros
    May 5, 2011 at 8:47 pm (13 years ago)

    Marvin Gaye was thinking of global warming when he was writing the song. When he says “Oil wasted on the ocean and upon the sea, fish full of mercury” it means all the oil that we use in our everyday lives is going to waste. It’s also saying that all the oil that is wasted, goes all over our big bellies of water. It’s killing all wild life that lives in the ocean such as fish and water mammals. Another “fact” about this song is that he is thinking about what we had before that is changing now. For example, he sings, “Ah, things ain’t what they used to be, no no” in every verse of the song. It means that our earth is changing because lots of people are treating it like a dump. Lots of people use a car to get somewhere when you can walk, people are littering more than they use to and people are wasting a lot of electricity too. That is what Marvin Gaye is trying to say.
    RAQUEL!  😀 😛

  7. adi2000
    May 5, 2011 at 9:11 pm (13 years ago)

    I think Marvin Gaye was trying to say that we should reduce the amount of damage done to the environment and use what we take and take what you need. In the song, on line 3 it read “where did the blue skies go?” refers to the air pollution that is creating black clouds that cover our blue skies. “Oil wasted on the ocean upon our seas, fish full of mercury.” refers to how we dump hazardous chemicals into the oceans and sea killing the wildlife nearby.” This part of the song also relates to “animals and birds that live nearby are dying.” Both parts of the song mean that our actions are causing wildlife and animals to suffer and die. “What about the overcrowded land. How much more can she stand?” refers to that we are overcrowding the land with buildings, houses and shops. We are reducing outdoor space for animals, plants and ourselves. We humans are taking up more resources, faster than they can be replenished, we are cutting down trees faster than they can grow and we are killing animals (destroying habitat) which may never be seen again.

    P.s . Mrwoods cna you add my blog as a link

  8. vanessarose
    May 8, 2011 at 11:17 am (13 years ago)

    i think marvin gaye was trying to say that polution is bad and it is killing animals like in the song it says “Animals and birds near who live nearby are dying” animals are getting exstict and now dying if we don’t do something about it! and if we don’t we will get carma if that is even real. he also says “ah things ain’t what they used to be, no no” so before when the world di dnot have much polutin in it there were lot’s and lot’s of animals and now they are all dying and now things are not what they used to be. that is all i have to say bye for now 😀

  9. kindreetushar
    May 8, 2011 at 11:17 am (13 years ago)

    What I think Marvin Gaye was trying to tell us was that we have to take care of the environment because we only have one earth. The lyrics were really meaningful to me because Marvin Gaye was saying that the air is full of poison and we are killing the birds and meanwhile the ocean is getting polluted and the sea creatures are getting killed because we are polluting the earth. Also we are making huge garbage dumps and wild animals mistake all that stuff for food and they eat it and the choke on it. That is what Marvin Gaye was saying in his song.

  10. Brandon
    May 8, 2011 at 12:14 pm (13 years ago)

    I think that Marvin Gaye is saying that we need to change our ways and take care of the enviroment better. poisson in the wind means that there is so much pollution and we need to stop the pollution that we are making. Times have changed, my parents said that were young that people didn’t have to worry about pollution and kidnappers and stuff like that you could go out and walk to the mall when you were like 6 and no one would try to hurt you. So what people need to do is stop polluting and hurting others and being racist and other bad things like that.

  11. Calvin
    May 9, 2011 at 6:05 pm (13 years ago)

    Marvin Gaye — Mercy Mercy Me

    The title of the song says it all. Marvin is saying have mercy on me and stop polluting the environment that I live in. In his song he talks about the pollutions in the air from the grey smokes coming from the factories and airplanes. Where did all the blue skies go when it’s all covered up by grey polluted smokes. In his song he also talks about the oil spills and how it affects the sea animals which in the end will affect the humans. Everything we do will affect us in the end and that we should start changing the way how we treat our world.

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