Testing Students?

Here’s your chance to complain or say great things about “tests”.

Should teachers test students, why or why not?  In your own experiences, have you ever been stressed, worried or nervous before a test and forgotten what you studied.  Or, do you look forward to being tested and challenged for what you studied.  What kinds of tests do you like or dislike.  Where else are people tested outside of school….and how are they tested.

These are just a couple of questions to start your thinking.

We look forward to your “well thought out” paragraph answers.

19 Comments on Testing Students?

  1. Dante Jakupovski
    March 5, 2009 at 2:05 pm (15 years ago)

    I think it’s a bad idea. Someone will get so crazy to get a good grade that all they will do is study, study, and study some more. And if they get a bad grade they’ll get very sad and won’t care about anything.

  2. Manish
    March 5, 2009 at 3:01 pm (15 years ago)

    I think there should be tests because it can tell if your doing good in school.Also if you fail a test its your fault. The reason you would fail is because you didn’t study.The marks would be used on your report card.

  3. a
    March 5, 2009 at 3:04 pm (15 years ago)

    Should teachers give tests?
    Well I think they should but only at the beginning of a new unit just to see what you already know. They shouldn’t give tests at the end of a unit because all the work you do through that whole entire unit should indicate what mark you get. Tests to some people make them so nervous that it seems like they forget what they studied.Tests put a lot of pressure on some kids and that means that they might not do there best because they are under so much pressure. Also, sometimes the students will do really well on the test but forget everything the next day.
    Well that is what I think.Bye!!

  4. marcel
    March 5, 2009 at 3:05 pm (15 years ago)

    i think there should be tests because it shows if u studied or payed atenttion at school but i dont like them but ther good for u so…………bi…………………………………………………………………………………………….i like doing dots we should study that……………………………………

  5. Sameer
    March 5, 2009 at 3:05 pm (15 years ago)

    Tests should happen! since the teachers and the board want to know if you’re doign work properly or getting smarter. Also it helps your brain and give you the responsible attitude to make you do your tasks on time. But also Test should also not be rated it should be rated in a different way not permanent record
    because it should be something that you can use to remember what you learned and how progress is going but not rated. You should make the last day a thing when everything you learned is on that test. (less work for teachers untill last day) also for report cards. could be on the last page of the test. Tests are good and bd for you so I say both. 😀

  6. nick
    March 5, 2009 at 3:37 pm (15 years ago)

    I think that teachers should give tests because teachers should how much we learnd.

  7. Megan
    March 5, 2009 at 3:45 pm (15 years ago)

    I like and dislike tests. Here are some reasons why I like tests. I like tests because it’s a way to see how smart your are and challenge your brain. But I don’t like tests because when the word TEST is announced or is on a piece of paper me and a lot of others freeze up and forget every thing they studied just because of the word TEST but if the word TEST was not written or announced every one would do a lot better and not be stressed, worried, nervous ex so next time you take a test just pretend the word TEST isn’t written any where. See you next time bye : P : 0 🙂

  8. Moksha
    March 5, 2009 at 4:15 pm (15 years ago)

    My opinion is that teacher’s should give test because

    o Students and their parents can find out how they are doing in their study ‘s.
    o Teacher’s can find out what mark to give on their report card.
    o Teacher’s can find out that if the students needs help in the class or on a subject.
    o Students can find out that if they need to improve in their study’s.
    o The parents can now that if they need help at home and so they will help them.
    And that’s why i think teacher’s should give test to everybody. (except the kindergarten)

  9. Zoha Rahman
    March 5, 2009 at 4:27 pm (15 years ago)

    It is HARD!We should never get a Test.A test makes so many people nervous on what they are going to get on the test. Also when I am nervous sometimes I forget the answer. Even sometimes people make a rumor of what people got on their test which makes a lot of people depressed. OH MY GOD the worst part about a test is when you don’t even know the answer to a question. Also the tests I like is math test i love doing multiplication Cause I always do it at home so it seems easy to me and the test i hate is Science test because it is really,really hard. But a test I do outside of school is swimming test. They test me how far i can swim and how long i can breath in water.( I can breath for 30.2 seconds in water) Now my opinion is test’s are not really needed and their hard!

  10. Ayesha
    March 5, 2009 at 5:10 pm (15 years ago)

    If tests can make students nervous, anxious, and even downright scared, shouldn’t schools just get rid of them? When I’m taking a test, I feel “butterflies,” a stomachache, or a tension headache. Sometimes I feel shaky, sweaty, or feel my heart beating quickly as I wait for the test to be given out.
    Well, believe it or not, tests don’t just exist to torture you or give you extra work to do. Teachers and schools give students tests for very important reasons:
    1. To see if you’re learning.
    Whether it’s math, social studies, science, or language, teachers have to cover a lot of material in class, and students have to keep up. Giving a test is a way for a teacher to see which students are learning the skills and knowledge they should be learning, and which ones are having trouble. Depending on how kids do on the test, the teacher will know if he or she must go back over some things, or if it’s okay to keep moving forward.
    2. To assign grades.
    As you know, grades are important in most schools, and tests play a big role in that. Aside from your classwork, tests are one of the best ways for you to show the teacher that you’ve really learned what’s being taught, and for the teacher to figure out what grade you deserve. Grades give you something to strive for and work towards — like a trophy or a ribbon in a sports event — and they’re also a way to show your parents how you’re doing in school.

    3. To keep you motivated.
    Admit it: you work harder if you know someone is checking up on your work. For example, if your mom tells you to clean your room but you know she’d never going to go in and check, you might be tempted to let it slide, right? Well, tests help make sure that you don’t let your classwork and homework slide. Because you know that you’ll eventually have to take a test on the material, you might be more likely to give it that extra effort and make sure you know everything you’re supposed to know.
    That is my opinion; teachers should give tests!

  11. Amira
    March 5, 2009 at 5:23 pm (15 years ago)

    Tests oh tests!
    tests to me is like you are under estamaiting some one because during a unit you studyed and learned so you know that unit but when you here there is going to be a test you get frightend and forget every thing you learned so this happens to some people.for me tests are ok i get put under a little pressure.i study for each test so the key is study till you feel your gona’ pop!tests are good to because you can be happy if you get a good mark and be proud of your self.also,you can see what your abilty of confadence is. my parents always tell me a famouse qoute”aim for the moon but if you dont make it you land on the stars”this means aim for a high grade but if you dont make it you still get a very good grade.also try your best and think positive and you will get the mark you want. bye see you later .boom i…m..im ……los..loseing…con..contact………….

  12. Esther ☺ ☻
    March 5, 2009 at 5:40 pm (15 years ago)

    oh no! a test! You ppl might be thinking tests are too hard, but when u read this, u will definetly change your mind (or not, but i hope you do!)Teachers usually give students test because they want to see how much you know about a subject or thing! tests usually show what you would get on your report card! now dont be freaked out because all it is is a sheet of paper with a bunch of questions on it! we had a science test and the only thing that most people were doing were studing. Mr. Delima(science teacher) said that it was going to be a big part of our report card. We also got a math test. i was happy cause i got 100%! today we got a social studies test. i forgot some the answers but all i did was think hard. here are some test subjects i like:
    ○ science
    ○ math
    teachers also give tests to show them how much u know and need to improve on oh no, a test! no need to worry, if u studied hard, u will make it!

    Esther 🙂 😉 😀 😛 8) 🙂

  13. amber
    March 5, 2009 at 5:47 pm (15 years ago)

    Should teachers give tests?
    Well I think they should but only at the beginning of a new unit just to see what you already know. They shouldn’t give tests at the end of a unit because all the work you do through that whole entire unit should indicate what mark you get. Tests to some people make them so nervous that it seems like they forget what they studied.Tests put a lot of pressure on some kids and that means that they might not do there best because they are under so much pressure. Also, sometimes the students will do really well on the test but forget everything the next day.
    Well that is what I think.Bye!!

  14. Niraj
    March 5, 2009 at 5:59 pm (15 years ago)

    Something everyone or some people are scared of……TESTS! Should teachers give students tests? My opinion yes, they should because tests should be taken to see how well you are doing in school. If you understand the unit, if you are listening, and other useful information for your report card. I personally DON’T like tests because what if you did awful on the test and it was because of the lack of detail and just plain nervous. Mabye you were allowed to take the test over but most likly not. Still the report card mark would be closer to the first test. If my perspective was a high school student though……..NO TESTS! Period.

  15. Tara Tomlinson
    March 5, 2009 at 6:03 pm (15 years ago)

    No! taechers should not give tests, here are my reasons why:
    1. It is just seeing if you know what you have leared and if you pay atention.Teachers have already collected your marks from some of your work sheets.

    2. Students study very hard to find out if they have passed the test, only to find out the next day they have forgotten almost everything they have learned.

    I have been stressed before tests alot but I have never forgotten what I learned. But I must say that having a test can bring alot of stress and let you forget what you have learned.

    The kinds of tests that I like are multiple choice because you have to choose out of some answers and really think hard and remember things.

    Places that peoeple have been tested are at places like Drivivg examination centers or comunity centers. The way they are tested are they have to use the techniques they have been tought.


  16. Aqsa
    March 5, 2009 at 6:28 pm (15 years ago)

    I was online playing a game called ‘Fancy Pants Man’ when an ad popped up. The ad said “Hey, you there! Do you think that schools should have tests? Text YES or NO to 84040 and you could win an I-Phone!” I really liked this ad, so much that I made my own blog post about it, and here is:

    Should WE, as citizens of Mississauga, have TESTS in school?
    Yes, we should because tests help you learn better. Tests help teachers know if you’re struggling with that subject. Tests aren’t worth half your grade; it’s basically schoolwork that helps kids review what they learned. Some are easy, some are hard. Most tests are opinion questions, multiple choice questions, or information questions. It’s basically stuff you already learned, not new stuff that’s really hard. Tests SHOULD happen.

  17. Vanessa
    March 5, 2009 at 6:33 pm (15 years ago)

    I think that we should not have tests because everyone always gets so nervous, scared, and they always hit there pencils on there desk, it freaks everyone out. Also it makes everyone go crazy because maybe if they didn’t study or they don’t know what the questions are going to be they get worried. Tests also help you know what you know, but they always make you shaky.
    “Do you think we should have tests?”
    “Raise up your hand yes for tests or no for tests.”
    “What do you pick?”

  18. Nikita
    March 5, 2009 at 7:16 pm (15 years ago)

    Time for a TEST!
    what do you think,should teachers give tests or shoulden’t give tests? Well I think that they shoulden’t give tests,because you learn and do work sheets all about that topic and then just to see if you were lisening and paying attention so you get a test! Also if you studyed alot for the test you might forget what you studyed and worry the whole time. Also instead of having test we should have normal work sheets to do and all your marks equal your final grade. So we don’t get worried and say “I hope I pass the test”.
    This is what I think about tests.
    NIKITA 8)

  19. Niharika :) 8)
    March 6, 2009 at 4:43 pm (15 years ago)

    KINDREE NEWZ! 🙂 😀 🙁 8) 😛 :'(

    Kindree newz,
    Well today we are asking a student of there opinion on tests. And the lucky student today that was chosen was Niharika. So Niharika what do you think about testing students? “Well i think test are necessary, because it is the mark that you are close to getting on your report card. And if kids fail that is there problem. But some times TEACHERS go overboard and do a test after every math unit. And trust me ive been through that. But im not saying tests are not good they just have to be necessary. EQAO and C CAT are testing TEACHERS not STUDENTS! So those are tests that test teachers so kids should be happy about that.” Ok so that was the report for today. And we’ll see you next time on KINDREE NEWZ!!!

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