Archive of ‘Topics of Interest’ category

Debate and or Discuss a Topic of Your Choice!

blogFind and write a topic that interests you which you believe deserves to talk about or comment on. Or, pick a topic from school, home, media that needs some attention you think. Please back up your comments with reasons or examples. Provide well thought out answers.
Here a few for you suggestions if you can’t decide on your own.
1. Discuss two video games.
2. Why ________ should be taught in Ontario schools instead of French.
3. What’s your take on skateboarding?
4. The Pros and Cons of recess.
5. Debate “why are all the fun websites blocked?”
6. Comment on this video about Perseverance.

7. Why all schools ahould have Wi-Fi.

Who will you wander Wonderland with?

Who would you like to spend the day with next week….please give me your name, plus 4 other names and they can be from different grade 5 classes.
As well, please add what type of rider you are.
a: don’t like rides
b: go on most rides and roller coasters but not the new big coasters
c: Love it all.
See you tomorrow.

Examining Editorial Cartoons

comicFloods swamp the Southern Prairies.
for more information watch…

1. Describe the man on the left in the first frame. What is he wearing? What is he looking at? Whom do you infer he may be?
2. Describe the man on the right in the first frame. What is he wearing? What is he looking at? Whom do you infer he may be?
3. Respond to the second man’s answer. For what reasons does it make sense to you?
4. As you see it, what might the cartoonist be saying about some Prairies resident’s decision to live on a floodplain or an area where flooding repeats itself?

How should we respond?

In Canada, there are restrictions on how kids work…where they can work….and when they can start working.  In this article:,28285,1043474,00.html

 please read, respond and give us a “Your Say” paragraph on this complicated issue.   About 250 million (about 8 times the total population of Canada) children between ages 5 and 14 work. About half of all child laborers work full-time. Many kids work in hard and often dangerous jobs. They do not go to school. Experts agree there is a lot kids can do to help child laborers everywhere. We read Branded and this book addressed this issue.  How should we, Canada and  the world react to this issue now as it appears it is not going away?  Please give evidence from the text to support your answer.

Here are some websites that help support ending this problem.

A tv show on migrant workers…like those children we read about in Amelia’s Road.

Are we ready?

Are we ready? Write a short paragraph, poem,alarm
top ten list etc., explaining why you and ur
friends and peers are ready to make the
next step in your educational careers and
head to Middle school. What skills have
you gained while at kindree both socially and
in your schooling that will allow to welcome
the new you next year. Inspire us and make us think.
We can’t wait….

What I am excited about!

excitementPlease write a minimum of 6 sentences outlining and telling us anything and everything that you are excited about. Please include a catchy first sentence and a solid closing sentence. We can’t wait to read about what you are interested and excited about.

“Under Pressure” Review

Imagine you are a reporter who just saw the world famous Lisgar’s “Under Pressure” in New York City on Broadway. Please write a newspaper review of Lisgar’s “Under Pressure”.  Give it a rating out of 4 stars.

Here’s the song “Popular”  from today’s performance…originally from the play “Wicked”….this song might help you with your review.


branded-eric-walters-book-cover-artDiscuss 2 things…

1. Why Eric Walters might have chosen to give this title for the book?–please give supporting reasons from the text or your own experiences to support your point of view.

2. What would you do and what you think activity.  What would you do if you were Ian….and what would you think if you were Ian? Would they be the same or different?

Extra:  write or email a letter to Eric Walters (only if you have paretns permission…asking him about why he chose the title and why he decided to write the book?


Have a good night.

Down to the Wire

top-10In the next month and a half, tell our class in a top 10 list about how and what you plan to do to finish out your Kindree Grade 5 year.  Any personal goals, anything that we should look at doing as a class….what are your plans to the end?  Enjoy.

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